One Grieving Illinois Mom Is On a Mission to Make the Streets of Her City Safer
Following the murder of her son in 2021, Robbie Capp is on a mission to make the city of Freeport safer by purchasing security cameras for streets in the city's high-crime areas.
'Stopping Crime With Justin Capp'
On November 18, 2021, Justin Capp and Terrance Haynes were shot in the street at their friend's house in Freeport, Illinois, and one year later the murders still remain unsolved. Justin's grieving mother, Robbie Capp, who lives in Lena, Illinois, believes if there were more surveillance cameras on Freeport's streets, justice for her son would have already prevailed.
Instead of waiting around for arrests to finally be made, Robbie Capp has decided to do something about it and created the 'Stopping Crime With Justin Capp' fundraiser to purchase security cameras for Freeport, Illinois streets. The fundraising page says;
I have set up a fundraiser to help slow or stop the crime by helping catch criminals in the act with surveillance cameras set up in the higher crime low income areas of Freeport. I am hoping that each year at the time of Justin's murder we can continue to help fight crime.
On November 20, 2022, Robbie Capp posted this fundraiser update on Facebook;
WTVO reports that security cameras have already been installed on " South Float Avenue and West American, West Iroquois, West Pleasant, and East Illinois streets", and Robbie Capp says she won't stop the campaign until there is a surveillance camera on every Freeport street.
If you would like to join Capp's important mission, please consider making a monetary donation now at