Girl Scout Gives Hilarious Review of Each Type of Cookie
It's the sweetest time of the year, Girl Scouts cookie time! The Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois offer several ways for you to get your hands on their boxes of deliciousness, but none quite as resourceful as this....yet.
I will admit I was a terrible cookie-selling Girl Scout. My sales strategy involved hitting up family and close friends, and maybe having my Dad take the order form to work. I was too shy, (seriously, I am shy at times), to go door-to-door or set up a booth to unload my cookie boxes, and I certainly didn't have the smarts to hit up my parents wealthy acquaintances.
I love me some Mike Rowe, and when I saw this video on his Facebook page I was cracking up. This 11-year-old girl has a BRIGHT future in sales I think it's safe to say...
Awesome! Now, after watching that video I automatically wondered how many cookie boxes Charlotte was able to sell thanks to her ingenious marketing technique. Well, I'd say her troop is probably pretty proud of her...
If you want to help the Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois be as awesome as Charlotte, check out their website for upcoming cookie booth date and locations. Over the upcoming weeks Scouts will be selling cookies at some Rockford area Walgreens locations, Petsmart, Walmart and more. Plus, they'll even have a drive-thru cookie location on South Alpine Road soon. Plan accordingly.