Jake Owen and Parmalee are having one heck of a party in the video for their new Christmas tune called "Christmas Spirits". After watching this I can't  help but wonder, how do I get invited to their holiday party next year?

My mama will probably yell at me for saying this, but our family Christmas Eve celebrations always involve a lot of "Christmas spirit". We are Swedish, and there's always a lot of Glug. Need I say more? Didn't think so. My extended family may love spending time together and getting extremely holly jolly while we're at it, but none of our family celebrations have ever looked quite like this. Perhaps we need to step up our game this year?

I tried to find out where you can download a copy of this song with no luck so far. I guess you will just have to keep this page open and play the video on repeat at your holiday parties this year.

Cheers to all your "Christmas Spirits"! Enjoy and stay safe, my friends!


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