Elderly Freeport Couple Loses their Lives In Motorcycle Accident
This really seems to be happening more and more lately. Really, most of the blame needs to go to people on their phones are not paying attention while driving. For years people have not paid attention to motorcycles on the road. According to WIFR.com, an elderly Freeport couple lost their lives in a motorcycle accident in Wisconsin today.Motorcycles have as much right to be there as you do but still we hear about things like this all the time. When I was a child, a lady ran a stop sign and hit my father while he was on his Harley. She hit him so hard that it almost broke every bone in his body and he was wheelchair bound for almost a complete year.
Gene Carroll, 71 and wife Cynthia Carroll, 72 where driving down State Highway 69 just a little north from Monroe Wisconsin. A ford pick truck was reportedly waiting to turn into a driveway but the truck behind them ran right into the ford and pushed it into the other lane of traffic that was headed the other direction where it collided with the Carroll's motorcycle. The crash is still under investigation at this time. They are waiting on toxicology reports and an accident reconstruction team. Our thoughts and prayers go to the family of the victims.