Could A Former Rockford E.State Street Restaurant Be Reopening?
Did you ever grab a bite from the original restaurant where the second Uncle Nick's now occupies?
The owners of the original burger joint are considering expanding their restaurants throughout Illinois, which one existed on three different streets in Rockford - Auburn St., E. State St., and N. Main Street. The return of Checkers and Rally's could be in the near future. However, they will likely pop up south of Rockford, a decent day trip away.
According to Herald Review,
The owner of Checkers and Rally’s drive-thru restaurants is studying the potential of bringing about 60 restaurants to Central and East Central Illinois, the company said.
May the success of the restaurants in Illinois cities that are smaller than Rockford will intrigue area investors enough to bring Checkers and Rally's back to the Forest City.
[H/T Herald Review]