Christmas Decor Lights Up A Navy Vets House For Christmas
Cold weather, snow, ice, not enough time, or even old age; everyone has their reasons for not being able to decorate for the Christmas season. At 96 years old, I'd imagine the will to climb up and down a ladder all day in the cold to hang stuff could be difficult.
Herman Hollingsworth is a Navy veteran, at 96 years old, it's just too hard to decorate his house for Christmas. Herman's wife Nancy heard of a non-profit called Christmas Decor, they decorate current and former service member's homes for the holidays, so she nominated him. To both of their surprised they showed up and decked the house out with lights and garland and even added wreaths according to WTVO.
Christmas Decor by Green Acres Lawn Care & Landscaping is in its 17th year helping military members decorate their homes for Christmas, grab all the details here.