Bat In Boone County Tests Positive For Rabies
A bat in Boone County just tested positive for rabies according to WIFR.com. The Boone County Health Department is cautioning people to avoid contact with any in the area. Rabies can affect you, your animals and your family. They also say to never try to approach a bat that's in your home. The Health Department also gave a few tips on how to keep them out of your home. Make sure to seal cracks, holes, chimney's or any other area large enough for a small bat to enter.
Bats are a lot more active this time of year so be sure to keep your eyes open. They also encourage you to make sure your pets vaccinations are up to date just in case. If you live in Boone County and find a bat in tour home please call the Boone County Health Department at (815) 547-7774