Animal Cruelty Now A Felony
I was surprised this wasn't already on the books. Thankfully it is now! House lawmakers have passed the "Pact-Act" making animal cruelty a felony. The Pact-Act bans crushing, burning, drowning and impaling animals, among other things according to WTVO. It would also allow officials to cross state lines when pursuing suspected animal abusers. It also closes a big loophole in which it makes it illegal now to record animal abuse on video. Anyone caught violating the Pact-Act could see up to 7 years in prison.
I am an animal lover. I have two dogs that brighten my day, everyday. Those 2 dogs are what many consider the worst of the worst, pitbulls. I defend these dogs every chance I get because I am a firm believer that its not the dog; its the owner. Our dogs will attack you with kisses so look out! I have a friend who has spent time at the animal sanctuary that houses the Vick 7 dogs... Considered to be the worst tempered dogs he used in his dog fighting. Even those dogs have changed their personalities.
I'm glad lawmakers have officially made this the law. I hope they will look at lifting restrictions on where you can live with certain dogs next. Pets are meant to bring us joy and happiness, I'm just happy we can show them we all care when we pass laws like this.