Sometimes you need stuff you find on Craigslist. This time, you don't. You definitely don't.

There's something about winter that just makes you want to buy stuff. Maybe it's because it's too cold to do anything fun, or maybe it's because you are coming off of your holiday shopping high. Whatever it is, you want to shop for things you don't need.

I'm here to keep you away from buying these five things on Rockford's Craigslist page. No matter how much you think you need a snake and an encyclopedia, you don't.

But just for fun, let's look at these five items, shall we?

Rockford Craigslist
Rockford Craigslist

First we have the beauteous Mounted Buck Deer Antlers. Believe me, I understand, if you are the person who killed this deer, you may want to display these antlers. But don't buy one from someone! You don't want to be that guy.

Rockford Craigslist
Rockford Craigslist

Next, we move on to this fancy Vintage 1800s Pump Organ. Oh yes, that is very fancy. If you own a baseball field or a museum you may need this organ, but if you live in a house or apartment, chances are you're good with your iPhone. It looks heavy, too, you don't want that.

Rockford Craigslist
Rockford Craigslist

Our third item today is a Commercial Grade Shop Broom. Yes, sometimes you need a broom. But am I incorrect to think that $16 is a hefty price for a used broom on Craigslist? Isn't that what you'd pay for it brand new at Menards?

Rockford Craigslist
Rockford Craigslist

From a broom that cleans dust, to something that collects dust... World Book Encyclopedias. I used to use encyclopedias, before 4th grade and the Internet existed. I supposed if you are channeling your inner Belle from Beauty and the Beast, you might want to add this set of books to your collection for the price of $0, but most of us are trying to de-clutter our lives in January, so don't go get this set.

Rockford Craigslist
Rockford Craigslist

Finally, don't buy this Snake and Cage because I'm afraid of snakes.

Rockford Craigslist
Rockford Craigslist

Seriously, yikes. Save your money for something more fun like the I Love the 90's Tour.

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