
Germ Zapping Robots [Video]
Germ Zapping Robots [Video]
Germ Zapping Robots [Video]
I remember back in third grade singing a song for a school program about how computers and robots could do anything. Even though at that time technology was on the cusp, who knew that they really honestly could. Now there's robots to do anything  including zapping germs, like the one RMH (Rockford Memorial Hospital) has recently started using.
Shorter E.R. Wait Times
Shorter E.R. Wait Times
Shorter E.R. Wait Times
Lately Stateline area emergency rooms have reported treating record breaking numbers of patients, making E.R. wait times even longer and more unbearable. It's a good thing all three of our local hospitals are introducing new pieces of technology that should make these horrendous wait times a thing of the past.