Getting blood donations during the Summer months is always tough for the Rock River Valley Blood Center, and it's even harder to do over the 4th of July holiday. This is why the RRVBC is asking for donations now so they can assure proper blood supply is ready for local hospitals in need.

It's no secret that people do a lot of goofy things over a holiday weekend. Factor in adult beverages with a lot of fire and exploding items, it's no surprise that emergency rooms are hopping on the 4th of July. My husband works for one of the emergency departments in Rockford, and I know for a fact it's a madhouse when he works on the 4th of July. No matter how careful we try to be over the holiday weekend, stuff happens, so the RRVBC needs to be prepared.

The Rock River Valley Blood Center is desperately in need of donors for both whole blood and platelets from all blood types. According to a statement on their website:

The Fourth of July is always a challenge. We will be closed on the holiday and many of our donors are traveling or busy spending long weekends with family and friends.  Our hospitals and trauma centers often have increased traffic and patient blood use during the summer. The blood must be ready to go when the calls come in, but we can’t do it without blood donors.

Before you head out of town, or get too involved in all your 4th festivities, please consider scheduling a blood donation appointment right now on the RRVBC website. You never know when you, or someone you love, will be in need of lifesaving blood.


Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 5:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

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