Willie Nelson is known for his advocacy regarding the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana usage, but it was another source of comfort that the country legend was fighting for during his hilarious appearance in a 2022 Super Bowl ad.

"Hi, I'm Willie Nelson," the singer says in the PSA-style commercial, as he's sitting on a chair against the backdrop of his studio. "I fought for the legalization of the one thing that can bring comfort to millions: Skechers."

That's right: This time around, Nelson is championing his favorite footwear instead. In the clip, the director checks the script in bewilderment when he hears that it's Skechers shoes Nelson's talking about, before jumping in to interrupt the singer in the middle of his speech.

"You see, Skechers shouldn't be illegal. They help so many —"

"Uh, Willie, I don't think Skechers are illegal anywhere," the director explains. "But they feel so good, I just assumed the man made him illegal," Nelson quips back. "Not even a little illegal? Like you can wear 'em to a concert but not to a kid's soccer game?"

Fortunately for Nelson — and Skechers fans everywhere — the brand of shoes is legal to wear anywhere, and the singer sums up his enthusiasm at the end of the ad by saying, "Well, pass the Skechers!"

Nelson's Skechers ad aired during the 2022 Super Bowl, in a game that pitted the Cincinnati Bengals against the Los Angeles Rams. The Rams took home the win at the end of a tight game, edging out Cincinnati 23-20.

Multiple commercials that aired during the big game featured country legends: In a T-Mobile ad spot, Dolly Parton also delivered a humorous PSA-style performance, co-starring with her pop icon goddaughter Miley Cyrus in a two-part ad series.

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