What Fireworks Are Legal in Illinois this 4th of July?
Thanks to crappy ole COVID-19, many of our 4th of July traditions have been cancelled this year. No fireworks shows. No parades. No festivals. No big parties. No fun.
Actually, the no fun part isn't actually true. We can still have fun with our family and friends this Independence Day, we just need to be smart about it...or we could face a hefty fine.
Rockford Fire officials and law enforcement are already seeing an uptick in reports of fireworks, so they are reminding us all about the laws in Illinois regarding fireworks. Rockford Fire Division Chief Matthew Knott recently told mystateline.com;
if you do launch fireworks in city limits, you could be subject to a fine up to $750.
“We’ve seen a spike of fireworks calls. We are going to be out and we enforce that. These are fines that are pretty significant
So...what fireworks can we light at home legally in Illinois? Not many, unfortunately.
According to illinoispolicy.org;
Under the state’s current law, only wire or wood sparklers and novelty items such as snakes and snaps are permitted. That means firecrackers, roman candles, bottle rockets and other devices commonly associated with Independence Day celebrations are off limits.
If you were hoping Illinois would loosen regulations on illegal fireworks in the midst of all the 4th of July cancellations in 2020, I'm sorry to break the bad news. If you light up the sky in your neighborhood this year, the chances are pretty high you will get caught and pay a price.