Uber Eats Waives Delivery Fees During Coronavirus Crisis
With so many people practicing social distancing over the Coronavirus crisis and restaurants being forced to close their dining rooms, many have turned to curbside pick up or delivery as a means to keep afloat during this uncertain time.
Ordering delivery every night can get expensive, that's why Uber Eats wants to help. They are offering free delivery for independent local restaurants. I've already looked on the app and sure enough if it's a local independent restaurant, it's free! You can even request doorstep delivery so the driver leaves the food on your doorstep and you never have to have face-to-face contact with them. All limiting the spread of the virus.
That's not all Uber Eats is doing. They are also committed to providing 300,000 free meals for first responders and healthcare workers according to their press release.
It's a great way to help out your favorite local restaurants get through this crazy time. They are the ones most effected by these dining room shut downs. Also, a server friend of mine told me his restaurant is offering servers a chance to make deliveries to offset the money they are losing from the dining rooms being closed. Another way to help out those in the service industry. Even though the delivery is free, don't forget to tip the drivers.