Like every family, we have Christmas traditions too. One of my favorites is making eggnog. I have converted people who swore they didn't like it and have lifted the Christmas spirits of those who do. Every year, my family makes jugs of eggnog. Each a little different but the ground work is the same. I bestow upon you, Oz's family eggnog recipe.


1 gallon whole milk

8 eggs

1 cup of sugar

1 tablespoon vanilla

1 pint whipping cream

1-2 cups liquor (rum or whiskey)

I have found after several years of experimenting and taste testing that Kraken Black Spiced Rum is my personal favorite but we've used Captain, Jack, Jim, and Sailor Jerry's and all have turned out just fine.

At this time I'd like to tell you to have an extra milk jug ready. Each serving makes about 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 jugs. I usually buy 5 gallons and use about 7 jugs for it all but I also do plenty of taste testing along the way.

1. Into a large pot put in 1-2 cups liquor and 1 cup of sugar.

2. Separate egg yolks from egg whites.

3. Place egg yolks in with liquor and sugar. .

4. Whip egg whites until stiff. Having a KitchenAid mixer helps because you will definitely feel it in your arms by the time this is all done.

5. Add whipped egg whites, vanilla, and milk into pot.

6. Finally, whip up 1 pint of whipping cream until its stiff. Not too stiff or you'll have butter. Again a KitchenAid helps with this. Add to the pot.

7. Add seasoning. Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, etc. This is your opportunity to season to your tasting. Stir mixture and as my grandpa used to say "Drink to high heavens."

Next time you're watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, enjoy a glass of eggnog in a moose cup as well!

Feel free to leave a glass out for Santa. Santa might have left some of the cookies behind but the eggnog was always gone. Merry Christmas and enjoy!



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