It's my favorite part of summer. When all the veggies come rolling in from the garden.
If you find that your swimming in sweet corn and tomatoes this tasty, low calorie salsa is the perfect recipe to put them to good use.
If you enjoy fresh corn and those super juicy tomatoes at the farmers markets and roadside stands, be prepared to be waiting longer for them appear this summer.
Look what was left on my doorstep this morning!
Mmm. Fresh veggies! Now what should I do with these peppers and tomatoes?
Here's an easy recipe on for Fresh Tomato Salsa.
I do have a little cilantro and onion leftover...
On Wednesday of this week the Lunch Tray Trivia question was "What is the most hated vegetable in the U.S.?" The answer: Brussel Sprouts.
I pretty much like a lot of foods. I know I'm a foodie. No surprise there. I'm willing to try most things. I've never had Brussel Sprouts. I can't form an opinion to agree or disagree. If I were served Brussel Sprouts, I'd try them.
Then I got to think
I love summertime. Who doesn't! Right?!
The favorite thing about summer is all the fresh garden veggies. Whether you get them from the local farmer's markets, your own garden or like me shop my parents humongous garden, the vegetables beat those of the grocery store.
With sweet corn coming in by the droves and now zucchini multiplying left and right. Check out this recipe, I got from my Mom, to us
I love vegetables. I really have no problem eating most of them.
Well all except Lima beans (which taste like paste) and cooked spinach (Ugh! Can't stand the smell).
Have you ever ran into the situation as a parent when your children won't eat their vegetables...