Supply chain shortages are something that I won't say we've gotten used to, but they're certainly not a foreign concept to us thanks to the pandemic and its side-effects.
Chicken tenders are now, and always have been a favorite in our household. Maybe they're not a big deal in everyone's home, but if chicken tenders are a staple of your diet, then you might be getting worried because of all the talk about a chicken tender shortage that seems to be coming.
A couple of days back, we told you about potential turkey and chicken shortages that could cause some of us a headache or two when trying to plan out our holiday meals.
Look, the cold, hard fact is that scammers are looking to screw you over 12 months out of the year. However, the holiday season always brings out more bad actors than the rest of the year, without fail.
Have yourself a merry chain issue? If I were to give you a Christmas present for every time the words "supply chain issue" have been written about or vocalized in the last 3 months, you'd need a much bigger house.
Remember when we used to go for really long periods of time with out every saying the words "supply-chain?" Now you hear those words all the time, and even a third word has been added: issue. Holiday toys this year have a supply-chain issue.
I'll admit right off the bat that I don't frequently call on the services of a coffee barista. Don't get me wrong, I love all things coffee, but I'm pretty good at whipping up the things I like all by myself.