The major difference for the victims is that in a real kidnapping someone is actually taken from someplace by force and held somewhere else until the ransom is paid. In a virtual kidnapping, loved ones of the victim are the ones who really suffer.
Two people in my life are avid TikTok consumers. One is my daughter, Molly, and the other is my on-air partner, Joe Dredge. Molly is 24 and Joe is 42...and frankly, I'm more worried about Joe's mental health (with or without TikTok).
Did you know that Merriam Webster updated the word "Influencer" to the dictionary in 2019?
Of course that word has always existed, but in 2019 they added the current definition to the term. Influencerupdate details -
The original definition of the term won’t change, but the word will be given an additional definition with it as “a person who is able to generate interest in something (suc