
Track for Toddlers
Track for Toddlers
Track for Toddlers
It's not early to start learning track and field. That's why this program in Rockford is  encouraging parents to get their tots, between the ages three and five, into track.
Freeport Trail is Open
Freeport Trail is Open
Freeport Trail is Open
This Saturday marked the opening of the completed bike trail that will now take  bicyclists and runners from Freeport to the Wisconsin border, with the opening of the Jane Addams Trail.
Wow! There’s a Reason Why Your Shoes Have an Extra Hole at the Top [VIDEO]
Wow! There’s a Reason Why Your Shoes Have an Extra Hole at the Top [VIDEO]
Wow! There’s a Reason Why Your Shoes Have an Extra Hole at the Top [VIDEO]
Ever noticed that hole way at the top of your sneakers and thought, "what the heck is that hole for?" I always thought it was just for people who were nuts, and liked to have their shoes so tight that their feet fall asleep. Surprisingly enough, it turns out I was wrong. Mind blown.
Running Can Save Your Life
Running Can Save Your Life
Running Can Save Your Life
Today on my way into work, at the corner of Blackhawk and Mulford Roads, I saw a Mom and her son jogging together. Although I didn't envy them chugging their way up the hill, I thought it was a neat thing to see. They were doing an activity together that is is life changing. Did you know that running five minutes a day can save your life?