Rock River Valley Blood Center

Blood Needed Now
Blood Needed Now
Blood Needed Now
Rockford's blood reserves are low at an alarming level and health officials have warned of the possible danger.
Cheddar Fries Thursdays
Cheddar Fries Thursdays
Cheddar Fries Thursdays
The Rock River Valley Blood Center knows Stateline residents will do just about anything to get their hands on some delicious Beef-A-Roo cheddar fries, so they're giving them away for free on Thursdays for donating blood.
Blood Donations Needed
Blood Donations Needed
Blood Donations Needed
Even though it is the holidays, and most people are off, our local hospitals and blood centers are hard at work saving lives and handling emergencies.  The need for all blood types doesn't take the holidays off.  Here's how you can give the ultimate gift this holiday season with the gift of live.