I simply do not understand, but that doesn't change the fact that literally thousands every day are making a pilgrimage to Chicago, Illinois to honor 'the rat hole'. This is really a real thing.
A unique and disturbing rat-sized hole in one Chicago, Illinois sidewalk has become an internet sensation with countless people traveling to the city to see it.
It's a weird thing to be known for. There is one Illinois city that can claim it is the rat capital of America for the 8th straight year. Well, rats. Literally.
It's pretty clear that Chicago is on a roll this year when it comes to having annoying, biting, or bloodsucking pests in abundance (and in elected office). I'm just not sure that this is the kind of thing Chicago's tourism folks would want to brag about.
When your city is named "The Rattiest City In America" for the umpteenth consecutive time, you might start to look for creative solutions to your rodent problems.
To combat the problem of rodents a Chicago alderman proposed a solution to the city's rat problem. It's a measure that has me questioning "Are they serious?"
Rats! This one list you don't want to be on. If you live in Wisconsin, you have a the unique distinction of having three of the 'rattiest' towns in America