Nuclear weapons

Why Does FEMA Map Show So Many Nuke Targets in Illinois Now?
Why Does FEMA Map Show So Many Nuke Targets in Illinois Now?
Why Does FEMA Map Show So Many Nuke Targets in Illinois Now?
It's not a classified secret that Illinois would have several locations that would be prime targets for an enemy if the worst-case scenario nuclear exchange everyone fears ever becomes reality. However, there's a FEMA map that shows an alarming number of Illinois targets including many in the middle of nowhere.
Why Wisconsin is in Trouble if Putin Follows Thru on New Threat
Why Wisconsin is in Trouble if Putin Follows Thru on New Threat
Why Wisconsin is in Trouble if Putin Follows Thru on New Threat
I don't believe in fear mongering and I don't think you should lose any sleep over a nuclear winter beginning tomorrow. However, it would be prudent to at least be aware that most of Wisconsin would be in a world of trouble if Vladimir Putin really does follow through on his latest threat.

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