Illinois scams

Illinoisans Should Avoid Calls From These Area Codes In 2025
Illinoisans Should Avoid Calls From These Area Codes In 2025
Illinoisans Should Avoid Calls From These Area Codes In 2025
Taking a call from an unknown number and/or source can be a real problem, regardless of where the call is coming from. It gets even worse when you take a call from one of several area codes that are known to be used by phone scammers. Just answering could cost you some serious money.
Illinois Scammers Are Using AI Against You–Here’s How
Illinois Scammers Are Using AI Against You–Here’s How
Illinois Scammers Are Using AI Against You–Here’s How
AI, or artificial intelligence, is literally everywhere. Advertisers are pushing phones with built-in AI, businesses are using AI in ways they never thought were possible, and the scam artists who want to steal your money and personal information have found ways to use it, too. That's not a good thing.
Warning: Illinois Scammers Are Using Fake Local Phone Numbers
Warning: Illinois Scammers Are Using Fake Local Phone Numbers
Warning: Illinois Scammers Are Using Fake Local Phone Numbers
A few years back, it was easier to tell who was calling you. Their name and number (or at least the number) would show up on your caller ID, and you'd have some idea of where they were calling from. Now, a scammer simply changes a few things to make it look like a local number is calling you, or even worse, it'll look like a friend or family member's number.

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