Today is Administrative Assistant Day. If you're proactive you may have already gotten your gifts ahead of time.
However, if you're scrambling at the last minute avoid giving these, the worst Administrative Assistant gift items.
Summer is in full swing and that makes for great times to be with friends and family.
Of course one of the things that is always a must is having a great meal or picnic to enjoy when hanging out together.
How would you like to have the best one?
Here's a list I found through Buzz Feed, that has 37 ways to have a great picnic.
Some of these ideas are so neat. I wonder why I never thought of them.
Yesterday I shared with you the 5 things we shouldn't get Dad for Father's Day.
I found I was an offender of this list, as I have given my Dad "cool" t-shirts and ties for gifts.
Are you scratching your head like me about what to get Dad...
Looking for something for Mom on Mother's Day? Especially for the Mom who says "I don't need anything, I have all I need."
My Mom is one of those Mom's too. She never really tells you what she wants or needs. So at times when it comes to Mother's Day I have to be creative.
Instead of doing the typical of buying my Mom flowers taking her out to dinner, why not make something.