The nation is facing a continued blood donation shortage that’s impacting the medical care of millions of Americans. Make no mistake, the problems the rest of the country is facing during this blood shortage are problems that the Rockford area has, too.
I remember doing some really cool things in elementary school to raise money for various charities.
I know the 2020-21 school year looks SO different. So it makes me really happy to know that kids are still doing fun things to raise money or gather donations for charity...
Want to know something incredible? In about one hour, you can help to save up to 3 lives.
Isn't that amazing? Here's how you do it.
Donate blood!
We were hanging out at Rock River Valley Blood Center the other week and we got to learn more about just how much they really need blood donors right now...
With it getting warm out again, you might not think about donating blankets right now. However, they're important year round.
Blankets. As I sit here, I think about just how many blankets I have around my apartment, and I can't lie, I feel incredibly guilty about it...
Back in November the Salvation Army of Winnebago County got a big donation. An anonymous donor dropped a 10-ounce silver bar in a local kettle. The silver bar was worth an estimated $235 and provided 14 bags of groceries to families in need in Winnebago County...
The season of giving is alive and well in Rockford. This year more than ever it was important that the community really come together and support each other going into 2021. One of the big Rockford events that's needed some local love this past year is Rockford City Market...