Boone County

Ogle County Last Names
Ogle County Last Names
Ogle County Last Names
If you live in Ogle County there is a real good chance your last name is Smith or Johnson. I know that's boring, but as you move down the list you'll find a lot of Stukenbergs, Ebens and Zillys. You'll also have to keep up with the Martins, The Reeds and the Thompson's. The list is out of the most common last names of residents of Ogle County.
Boone County Last Names
Boone County Last Names
Boone County Last Names
If you live in Boone County there is a real good chance your last name is Anderson, Rodriguez or Johnson, but you will have to keep up with the Garcia's, the Browns and the Martinez's. The list is out of the most common last names of residents of Boone County.
Rail Road Forum Tonight
Rail Road Forum Tonight
Rail Road Forum Tonight
Many residents in Northern Illinois are concerned over the proposed Great Lakes Basin Rail Road that will be cutting through their counties. You will have one more chance to voice your concerns in a public meeting tonight in Rochelle.