
Recall Announced
Recall Announced
Recall Announced
Since Chrysler is in Belvidere, you see many Chrysler Dodge Chargers in the Stateline. Fiat Chrysler is recalling more than a half-million Dodge Chargers worldwide and here in the Stateline today. Here's why.
Get It Together Illinois
Get It Together Illinois
Get It Together Illinois
Illinois state officials are urging motorists to gear up for winter with a great new campaign. The "Winter Weather - Get it Together" campaign is backed by the Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois State Police and the Tollway. Here's the point of the message.
Truck Loaded Onto Boat
Truck Loaded Onto Boat
Truck Loaded Onto Boat
To quote comedian Bill Engvall, I've seen a "Here's Your Sign" moment or two in my life. However, I've never seen anything like this. Question is "why risk a perfectly good truck" to see if this would work?
Gas Prices In Illinois
Gas Prices In Illinois
Gas Prices In Illinois
If you have been closely watching gas prices, you've noticed that prices continue to fall in the area. Is the streak going to continue? How much were we paying at this time last year? Find out more here.

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