Shedd Aquarium Penguins Visit Gift Shop And Find Stuffed PenguinsShedd Aquarium Penguins Visit Gift Shop And Find Stuffed PenguinsHere's what happens when a real penguin meets a stuffed penguin. MJMJ
Shedd Aquarium Penguins Took a Field Trip to a Chicago Museum Shedd Aquarium Penguins Took a Field Trip to a Chicago Museum The cutest museum guests EVER. MJMJ
VIDEO: Watch Adorable Kittens Visit The Atlanta AquariumVIDEO: Watch Adorable Kittens Visit The Atlanta AquariumThe work break you deserve today. MJMJ
See the Shedd for FreeSee the Shedd for Free You'll want to find time this month to go to the Shedd Aquarium, as they're waiving admission for 24 days.Susan TylerSusan Tyler
See the Sharks at the SheddSee the Sharks at the SheddIn the light of the recent shark attacks as well as this being Shark Week, the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is holding its own Shark Week.Susan TylerSusan Tyler