Shower Thoughts: Rockford Edition
Some of us have had a profound ideas or an epiphany while showering. I'm not sure why that is, but here are some shower thoughts you've had or may relate to.
For those of you that might now understand what a shower thought is, here is the definition found at the popular subreddit, /ShowerThoughts.
A subreddit for you to share all those thoughts, ideas, or philosophical questions that race through your head when in the shower.
Showerthought is a loose term that applies to any thought you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming.
Here are eight shower thoughts that have taken place in Rockford.
- 1
What do they put in the cheese at Beef-A-Roo to make those cheddar fries so good?
Good question. Now I'm hungry.
- 2
Why don't they just open Magic Waters in the winter and charge us to sled down the slides?
Seems fun. It could be a little dangerous but YOLO.
- 3
Why are there so many bars in strip malls around Rockford?
Hmm, something \we may never know the answer to.
- 4
I've got some friends coming in from out of town, I guess I'll take them to JMK.
Is it me or is JMK the place to take out-of-towners?
- 6
Why is the water so hot in the bathrooms at the BMO Harris Bank Center?
My son asks the same question every time we're there.
- 7
If you're not in high school are you too old to work at Showplace 16?
Not sure if there is hidden meaning there but you could probably find your next babysitter there.
- 8
It doesn't matter from which angle I see the Rockford Symbol I still can't figure out what it's supposed to be.
Ah, the symbol, the eighth wonder of the ancient world.