Santa’s Village to Debut New Roller Coaster for 2017
If you make it a point to take the family to Santa's Village Azoosement Park in Dundee every year, they're debuting something brand new on May 13, 2017.
It's called the Super Cyclone, and this new roller coaster stands at 35 feet tall making it the biggest attraction Santa's Village has ever had.
Super Cyclone POV from Azoosment Park on Vimeo.
I'll admit it has been several years since I have been to Santa's Village, but I know they pride themselves on being the perfect getaway for families with small children. If you're thinking that new roller coaster is the start of shift away from that ideal, you're wrong. Jason Sierpen, owner and operations manager of Santa's Village told WGN;
he and his team want to keep more traditional rides for their visitors, like the Fire Truck ride around the park.
"We still want to keep that niche focus on small families," he said.
Good to know! Santa's Village Azoosment Park opens for the 2017 season on Saturday, May 13. Just a little FYI, moms get in free at Santa's Village on Mother's Day. (hint, hint) Get more information about the park here.