Rockford’s Triumphant Comeback
Before I moved here we scoured the Internet trying to find out about as much as we could about Rockford. Like in the blog I wrote before about this, there were so many Videos and statements I read that had nothing but bad things to say about this town. I'm happy to say after a month being here that we absolutely love it here.
In the last few years, a lot of good things have been happening in our town. The Chicago Tribune Had lots of great things to say about it. Like the rehabilitated Downtown area, and transformation of Rockford's first Skyscraper the Amerock building that's being turned into a Hilton hotel.
They also touched on how certain parts of town have more of a Milwaukee or Indianapolis feel. They mentioned the Craft Breweries in town and our busy restaurant scene among other things like high-end lofts and even yoga studios. Not to mention our Museums, theatres and the beautiful Rock River.
Rockford's Mayor Tom McNamara said that he feels most of the growth we're experiencing is because of the state-run River Edge Historic Preservation Tax credit program, that has helped owners of historic properties receive tax credits to help kickstart the rehabilitation. With all this forward momentum I'm sure we can expect more great things coming to our community soon.