Put The Razors Down!
November is officially upon us and minus playoff hockey, this is the only time that a messy beard is OK. It's No Shave November. No Shave November started with a Chicagoland family in 2009 to help raise money for cancer research. The 8 children of Matthew Hill, who passed away from colon cancer in 2007, started the project as a way to raise money by simply not shaving and donating all the money they would've spent on shaving products to cancer research. They've raised over $2 million dollars to date according to their website.
They are also a supported of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and other cancer fighting organizations. If you would like to participate you check out their website to start your own campaign.
Whether you can grow a lumberjack beard in 5 minutes or you're like me and it'll take you five years, you can still donate to a great cause!