Nobody Loves Water Hoses as Much as this Illinois Black Lab
The last time my family had pets, one of them was a black Labrador Retriever. That's why I can confirm with science that nobody loves water hoses as much as they do as a new video shows.
This :06 second video was just shared today from Lindenhurst, Illinois. There's nothing complicated about it. It's a black lab and a water hose. A match made in Heaven.
The American Kennel Club describes Labrador Retrievers as "friendly, outgoing and active". That is a massive understatement. We had a male yellow lab and a female black lab and they were always into something. They viewed every puddle of water, pile of leaves or snow drift as an opportunity to romp. I never even tried using a water hose around them because I knew how it would end.
It's certainly not a profound moment that will change anyone's life today. However, I wish I could experience life like a Labrador sometimes. Just enjoy the fun water hose moments of life and leave the cares of the world behind.