At the beginning of the summer, Illinois residents learned there would be a chance at some big cash for those how are vaccinated. As one of those people, I thought it was a little bit of exciting news. Maybe your luck isn't the greatest but a shot at prize money with a comma in it is better than no prize at all.

Medicine and health care concept Doctor giving patient vaccine insulin or vaccination
Getty Images/iStockphoto


Really, there's only one question that many of us would like answered. Some of us who originally signed up to be vaccinated through the Winnebago County Health Department ended up getting the microchip vaccination through another provider because WCHD was taking too long to respond. Even today, several months after getting phone doses of Pfizer's vaccine, I still get emails from WCHD about getting my shot. Does this mean I've been left out of the chance at Illinois' Vaccine Lottery sweepstakes?

Getty Images
Getty Images

Also, if you have been following along with the announcement of the winners so far, there is a commonality. The winners are from around here. What gives?


I'm not saying the contest is rigged but, in what seems like standard Illinois practices, Rockford and Northern Illinois don't seem to be a part of the party. There have been no winners from this area. Most of the winners come from Springfield, the burbs, or... can you guess? Chicago.

Sure, there is a larger population the closer you get to the windy city, I get it. One might think this promotion, which is done to "thank" those who have received at least one dose of the vaccine and to encourage others to do the same, shouldn't there have been some sort of plan in place to spread the winnings? Maybe at least one winner per region? Just a thought.

You can watch Gov. Pritzker explain how the contest works here.

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