Man Arrested For Breaking Into Rockford’s T.G.I. Friday’s
A guy from Belvidere was busted by police but it's the initial witness call that has me wondering, "how?"
Mystateline.com posted a quick article about a 27-year-old Belvidere man that had been arrested for burglarizing T.G.I. Friday's by Cherryvale Mall early Friday morning. (He robbed T.G.I. Friday's on a ... Friday.) After the initial call police arrived to find the restaurant had been broken into. That strangest part is that initial call. Someone reported a man on the roof of the restaurant. On the ROOF!? How!?
As a person that pays an unusual amount of attention to random detail, most businesses have their roof access locked in some fashion. If that's the case for T.G.I. Friday's how did this man get up there? Also, did he grab any food or apps? Regardless, the man will get a free meal in jail if he's there long enough.
[H/T mystateline.com]
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