I began thinking about this question a couple of days back when I saw around a half dozen people driving around Rockford with dogs of varying sizes sitting, standing, even walking around in the lap of the person behind the wheel.

The state of Illinois is currently running a series of public service announcements about distracted and impaired driving called "It's Not A Game Illinois," but I couldn't find a single mention of vehicle drivers with a canine copilot in their laps.

Maybe it's just me, but my dog deciding to stomp all over my groin area while we're traveling down the road is probably going to distract me a little bit a great deal.

But will it get me a ticket? You may have heard that it will, and you may have heard the exact opposite, so let's get to the truth of the matter.

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Little dog sits on the lap of his owner who is driving
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Early In 2023, A Bill Was Introduced In Springfield That Would Have Made It Illegal To Drive Illinois' Roads With A Pet In Your Lap, And It Included A $50 Fine

That bill, House Bill 2910 (HB2910), sponsored by Illinois state Representative Jawaharial Williams, failed to pass once it hit the House floor, not unlike a similar bill put forth back in 2013 here in Illinois.

Only two other states have specific legislation against driving with a pet in your lap, and they are Hawaii and New Jersey.

So, there's your bottom line. It's not illegal to drive with your dog in your lap in Illinois...but (and there's always a but) that doesn't mean that you're not going to find yourself in trouble for doing it.

Remember the word "distracted."

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The Dog In Your Lap As You Drive Scenario Isn't Illegal, But Do You Know What Is? Distracted Driving, That's What

The Illinois Secretary Of State's Office says that they consider driving with a pet in your lap to be distracted driving, and that is something you can be ticketed and fined for.

From their office:

Do you do any of these things while driving?

    • Text or read messages on your mobile device
    • Talk on your mobile device
    • Adjust your vehicle GPS
    • Adjust the radio/music
    • Eat
    • Handle children or pets
    • Apply makeup or look at yourself in the rearview mirror
    • Daydream

If you perform any of these, you are driving while distracted and are 23 times more likely to cause a vehicle crash.

LOOK: Longest-living dog breeds

To find out the longest-living dog breeds, Stacker examined data from the journal Genetics and American Kennel Club's 2023 breed popularity rankings. 

Gallery Credit: Sophia June

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman

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