Illinois Town Singled Out for Having Most Affordable Homes in US
Here are phrases you don't often hear mentioned together: Illinois and affordable homes. That is true in this case however as one Illinois town was just singled out for having some of the most affordable homes in the United States.

This good real estate news for at least one place in Illinois was just shared in a special report by 24/7 Wall St. They listed the top towns in America where you can find the most homes for under $125,000 which sadly is not a common price point in many parts of the country right now.
With all their numbers crunched, 24/7 Wall St says that Decatur, Illinois is #4 in America for most affordable homes below $125,000. Here are some specific metrics mentioned about Decatur that landed them on this good real estate list:
- Median home value - $92,200
- Decatur is 4th for homes in both the homes below $125,000 and $100,000
It's not all sunshine and roses for Decatur though. They are listed as having one of the lowest average household incomes on the list at $49,714.
Only Canton, Ohio and a couple of Michigan cities come in with more homes available for less than $125,000 than Decatur.
I risk sounding like the old man in the room when I say this, but it wasn't that many years ago when $125,000 would get you a very nice 4+ bedroom place. Now, there are 2-bedroom homes that aren't exactly fancy that will get that much from buyers. The real estate world is constantly changing and not always for the better.
75 Years Ago, Monster Tornado Destroys 80% of Small Illinois Town
Gallery Credit: Ancient Air Theatre via YouTube