Illinois Border To Border Seat-Belt Enforcement Has Now Begun
We all know we are supposed to be wearing our seat-belts while driving. In the last few years, police have relaxed a bit when it comes to seat-belts. Back in the early 2000s, you could guarantee if an officer saw you not wearing one then you were definitely getting a ticket. Starting this week through Memorial Day, 200 police agencies, including the Illinois State Police will be cracking down on anyone not wearing their seat-belts according to
They are calling it a "Border to border seat-belt enforcement". Most remember "Click it or Ticket" from the National Highway Traffic Administration. Increased patrols have already begun and there are even going to be special enforcement zones. Which means you could just end up at an intersection with an officer walking by looking for your seat-belt. On a good note, Illinois traffic fatalities have actually decreased this year.
Just remember that a seat-belt is always your first line of defense when it comes to an auto accident. If you put your phone down, buckle up and pay attention our roadways will be a lot safer place to be. You better buckle up because they are watching you.