One Illinois High School Challenges Rival to a Donkey Basketball Game
The Durand High School FFA recently challenged the Pecatonica High School FFA to a game of Donkey Basketball. Pecatonica has accepted the challenge, AND soon we can all go watch the ridiculousness.
Weird Small-Town Traditions
I may be a country girl at heart, but I have never lived in a small town until the last year. After moving to Pecatonica in 2022 I quickly fell in love with small-town living, but I also realized it comes with some fascinating quirks. A few examples?
- You can never run to the grocery store looking like garbage because you will see several people you know while you're there.
- Even if you are new to town, everyone will soon know you're business
- .Small towns have some unique traditions like playing donkey basketball. Yes, I said donkey basketball.
What is Donkey Basketball?
Please forgive my ignorance, but the high school I went to didn't have an FFA chapter (at least I don't think it did), so this whole Future Farmers of America thing is new to me, but I do know it's a cool thing for students from farming families to be a part of. So when my mother-in-law said to me last week; "did you see the Durand FFA challenged Pec's FFA to a donkey basketball game?" I was like, "woah...wait a sec...what the heck is that?!?"
Turns out donkey basketball is exactly what it sounds like; people riding donkeys and attempting to play basketball...
I don't know about you, but that hilariousness is definitely something I need to see in person.
Durand Vs. Pecatonica Donkey Basketball Game
Donkey basketball will make its return to Durand High School on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 7 p.m. The game WILL take place INSIDE the school, on the basketball court, (yes, they put a protective cover on the court before the game), and you can buy tickets at the door for $13.
I cannot wait to witness my very first donkey basketball game next week, and I hope to see you all there too because it will be a super fun way to support local FFA chapters!