Really? DeKalb County Government officials can't call Friday what it is: 'Good Friday.'

I know this is silly, but c'mon, the rest of the planet refers to the Friday before Easter as "Good Friday', but in DeKalb County they call it a 'Spring Holiday.' What the heck is a Spring Holiday?

Many units of government maintain an official website to assist the public in knowing what is going on with their particular unit of government. In the case of DeKalb County, you can find a list of public meetings on their website. So, just for fun, I pulled up the calendar of meetings for this week to see what was going on, and discovered that DeKalb County government offices will be closed for business and employees will have a paid day off, like many other private businesses, on the Friday before Easter. You can see there is no Good Friday holiday in DeKalb County, but a watered down "Spring Holiday."

DeKalb County Government Afraid to Say 'Good Friday'
DeKalbCounty.Org photo


Yes, I'm aware that Good Friday and Easter are religious holidays, but if you are taking the day off, you should call it 'Good Friday.'. You gotta love government, can't tell it like it is.

Happy Good Friday everyone!

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