Chicago Offers Marijuana Tour Bus Ride Packages
When marijuana became legal at the beginning of the year, I remember talking to people and telling them that there's going to be more to this than just a few dispensaries that open up. It's inviting the whole sub-culture of marijuana into mainstream living. In other states where it has been legal for longer, there are all types of new business ventures popping up.
Add marijuana tours to the list. Loopr, founded in Denver in 2016, is one of the premier cannabis tourism companies in the USA. They offer packages that take you around Chicago. There's a nightlife tour, a Chicago Pizza and Pot Tour, and a dispensary crawl that takes you to different places around the city.
There is even a Puff, Pass, & Paint night. It's just like those wine and paint events but with artists smoking weed instead of drinking wine. Just make sure to bring your own stash because for all the things Loopr provides, weed isn't one. The tours begin with passengers toking up in a smoking lounge, state law prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle, then they file on the bus and begin their excursion. Each excursion is $55 and lasts for 3 hours.
Just make sure to book your tours in advance since they do fill up quickly. Also the dispensary tour is on hold until more dispensaries open up and the lines become shorter.
All laws still apply while going on excursions.