Who do you think makes the best burgers in Rockford?

Table Log has the 10  most popular burger joints in Rockford.

See if you agree with that these 10 burger joints should belong on the list.

According to Tablelog.com the list is as follows:

10. Pete's Tom & Jerry's - 5446 E. State Street

9. Buddy's Burgers -  6551 E. Riverside Blvd.

8. Culver's - the Bennington Road location off north Main St.

7. Granite City Food & Brewery - 7140 Harrison Ave., next to the Mall.

6. The Filling Station - 6259 11th Street. (right as you head into New Milford on 251)

5. 15th and Chris - 201 15th Ave.

4. Zammuto's Drive In and Carry-Out - 725 Kent St.

3. Stone Eagle Tavern - 6445 E. State St (across from Target)

2. Vintage@501 - 502 E. State St (right before you cross the river)

1. Beef-A-Roo - 6593 Lexus Drive.

Hmmm.... I've only had burgers at three of the places listed: Beef-A-Roo,  Culver's and Granite City. All of which are very good. Some how I have the feeling that there are several places that sure be on this list that aren't don't you?

What places do you think have the best burgers? Who should be added to this list?


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