
Government Might Take Control of Missouri Smartphones in 2024?
Government Might Take Control of Missouri Smartphones in 2024?
Government Might Take Control of Missouri Smartphones in 2024?
You're obviously reading this right now and you're probably doing it on a smartphone in Missouri that you think is yours. I say "think" because there are reports that the government may very well try to take control of your Missouri smartphone in 2024, but they're not sure. That's reassuring.
Pregnancy App
Pregnancy App
Pregnancy App
We use our phones for everything these days.  There's an app for just about everything you can think off including pregnancy test. Yes you read that right, now your smart phone can tell if your pregnant.
Too Much Technology [Video]
Too Much Technology [Video]
Too Much Technology [Video]
Technology is all around us. We use it constantly. The questions to ask is "are we using and relying on it too much? Are we missing out on day to day things?" Watch this video and see if it doesn't get you to look up from your phone.
The Art of Selfies
The Art of Selfies
The Art of Selfies
Last night I went in for what I call a "Clip & Dip" (a.k.a haircut and color) at the salon and wanted to share my new style off on Facebook. Enter my dilemma, taking a good selfie. I'm terrible at taking pictures of me with my phone. I either look stoned, too close, too fuzzy, not smiling enough, have my head positioned wrong and look like I have a double chin. Frankly, I'm jealous o