
Skinny Selfies
Skinny Selfies
Skinny Selfies
Ever looked at a friend's latest selfie and secretly thought, "how the heck does she make herself look so good? She doesn't look like that in real life." Well, the truth is that friend may be using the magical Skinniepix app to make themselves look 15 pounds thinner.
The Art of Selfies
The Art of Selfies
The Art of Selfies
Last night I went in for what I call a "Clip & Dip" (a.k.a haircut and color) at the salon and wanted to share my new style off on Facebook. Enter my dilemma, taking a good selfie. I'm terrible at taking pictures of me with my phone. I either look stoned, too close, too fuzzy, not smiling enough, have my head positioned wrong and look like I have a double chin. Frankly, I'm jealous o