State Representative Robert Pritchard, who was one of the few Stateline area legislators, and the only Republican, to vote in favor of the 32% permanent income tax increase, announced that he will not seek another term in 2018.

Rep Pritchard represented residents in portions of DeKalb, Boone, and Kane Counties. and has been a member of the Illinois House since 2003 and his legislative office is headquartered in Sycamore. Below is a photo of the area Mr Pritchard represents.

Rockford Area State Rep Will Not Seek Re-Election graphic

Mr Pritchard has been under a lot of criticism from business leaders and constituents because of his vote earlier this month which gave the Illinois House just enough votes to override Governor Rauner's veto of the income tax hike.

In fact, reading through Rep Pritchard's Facebook page the criticism of his vote ranges far and wide:

Daniel Schroeder wrote: 

So your solution to years of overspending is to raise taxes? Did you not learn anything from the last temporary tax increase? Look at what you clowns did with that additional revenue. Spoiler alert, you spent it while pension debt and unpaid bills increased. The solution to overspending is massive cuts, but you sir lack the courage to make the cuts and institutional reforms that need to happen. Resign.

Joan Bettag wrote

You are truly a joke and should resign immediately. Your solution to our state going down the toilet is to tax us more. Ten's of millions of people have left the state due to high taxes and your solution is to raise taxes so more people will leave and more small businesses will leave

Not everyone was negative on the tax increase.

Mary Diamond wrote: 

Thank you for being part of a solution, and realizing that Illinois' citizens are being affected by these long years of stonewalling. We pay taxes so that our state can thrive. THANK YOU!

Rockford Area State Rep Will Not Seek Re-Election
ILGA Photo


According to a published report, Rep Pritchard announced his intention to not run for reelection on Monday and listed his accomplishments in education, health care, agriculture, veterans bills and environmental legislation.

Residents of DeKalb, Sycamore, Belvidere, Kirkland, Kingston, Fairdale, Genoa and Hampshire will have someone new representing them in 2019.

Catch Mark Charvat on Q98.5 from 3 p.m to 7 p.m.. Follow him on Twitter, and Facebook





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