We love our little four legged friends, most of us feel that they're more like family members than just pets. With this cold winter weather we're having you want to make sure that you keep them safe. Sure they need to go outside to take care of business but you want to make sure that you don't leave them out too long. Something that will help their little paws is a set of booties. There is a learning curve involved with booties for most dogs, it takes some of them just a little bit of time until they get used to them and they start walking normal.

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Booties will also help protect their paws from street salt which is really bad for them. It can cause them to dry out, crack and even split. Its always good to keep the salt away from your pets. The last thing you want them to do is like their paws and ingest the street salt. Booties are very inexpensive and your pets will thank you for it.

Another way to lesson the cold on your pets is to buy them coats or insulated outfits. This day and age its very easy to find them at just about any pet store. We have Chihuahuas at the house and they hate the cold. The little jackets we bought them really help when it comes to taking them outside. Just remember if it's too cold for you its definitely too cold for your dogs.

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