These questions weren't that tough, were they? Let's have fun and see if you knew the all the answers.

Did you play along this past week and miss an answer to one of my Q98.5 Afternoon Mindbender questions? You can find all the answers for the past week’s trivia questions here.

Don’t forget you can play the Q98.5 Afternoon Mindbender at weekdays 4:20 p.m.

Q98.5 AFTERNOON MINDENDER QUESTIONS (week of 3/21/16– 3/25/16)

Monday's Question: 20 years ago this was a popular first date activity. Today, not so much. What is it?

Answer: Bowling

Winner: John From Monticelo

Tuesday's Question: Typically, you’re most proficient at doing this physical activity when you’re 18. What is it?

Answer: Push-up’s

Winner: Johanna From Rockford

Wednesday’s Question: 58% of us do not know this number. What is it?

Answer: License Plate number

Winner: Tyler from Rockton

Thursday’s Question: Jellybeans are the second most popular candy at Easter. What’s the most popular color of bean?

Answer: Red

Winner:Carrie from Freeport

Friday’s Question: NO QUESTION: Good Friday Holiday

Congratulations to all our winners!

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